Previous Focus Days

Focus Day July 2014

Topics Covered:

  • Wintering: 20% of the year, 30% of farm costs, affecting 100% farm performance:
  • Evaluation of wintering system vs targets and objectives
  • Latest data on local wintering research
  • Compare LUDF’s 2013/14 Profitability with leading dairy farms
Handout from the day

Focus Day May 2014

Topics Covered:

  • Profitable or Compromised?
  • Is early autumn culling the easy AND profitable solution to reduce N losses?Effluent WOF – Available Soon
  • 2014/15 Plan – Grain, Concrete or ??
  • What will it take for LUDF to achieve further reductions in Nitrate leaching losses?
Handout from the day

Focus Day February 2014

Topics Covered:

  • 78% - 6 week Incalf at LUDF this season
  • Impact LWRP and Selwyn Waihora Sub Chapter
  • Tipping Point? - The financial reality of farming without Eco-n, less clover and less Nitrogen Fertiliser?
  • ECAN - Changes required by the Land and Water Plan
  • Selwyn/Waihora sub-regional section (Variation 1)
Handout from the day

Focus Day October 2013

Topics Covered:

  • Farming Profitably within a Nitrogen limit
  • Spring Pasture Management
  • Mating Plans
  • Research insights from AgResearch
Handout from the day

Focus Day July 2013

Topics Covered:

  • Cow Condition Scoring
  • LUDF Profit Analysis and Comparison with other farms
  • P21 Dairy Systems Research - Dairy Farming within the Nutrient Limits
  • Pasture Mixture, Grazing Residuals and Supplements for Dairy Systems.
Handout from the day

Focus Day May 2013

Topics Covered:

  • Budgeted and forecast profit
  • N Fertiliser and Gibberellic Acid Use
  • Cow Liveweight and Body Condition Score
  • Farming Profitably within N Limits
  • Feed Conversion Efficiency or Residual Feed Intake
Handout from the day