Previous Focus Days

Focus Day October 2008

Topics Covered:

  • Another wet spring! Just an inconvenience or a disaster?
  • Mating Management
  • Pastures
Handout from the day

Focus Day July 2008

Topics Covered:

  • Making Income Hit the Bottom Line
  • Financial results 2007/08: cash operating surplus more than trebles but were opportunities missed?
  • 2008/09 Budget dissected - the challenge of controlling costs.
  • Operational refinements: irrigation audit/reviewing the runoff
  • Greenhouse gases - all hot air or a risk to your business: LUDF case study gives some perspectives
Handout from the day

Focus Day May 2008

Topics Covered:

  • Will technology take us to a new frontier?
  • Reproduction performance
  • Protrack at LUDF
  • Irrigation - Aquaflex
  • Breeding technologies - short gestation and sexed semen
  • Nitrate leaching results on LUDF
  • Farm automation
  • Feed and environment
Handout from the day

Focus Day February 2008

Topics Covered:

  • Pioneer country tamed
  • Making stones grow grass
  • LUDF Management principles applied to tough dairying land
  • Sharemilkers making it work
  • Leo Donkers - another two years into the system at Te Pirita
Handout from the day

Focus Day October 2007

Topics Covered:

  • Tips for managers, skills for staff
  • LUDF Update/farm accounts to August
  • Pastures for profit
  • Mating management
Handout from the day

Focus Day July 2007

Topics Covered:

  • The season @ LUDF vs Budget
  • Benchmarks and DairyBase
  • Where to next season
  • Financial and productivity - 5 years at LUDF
  • Back to top
Handout from the day