Breeding Worth (rel%) 98 /45
Production Worth (rel%) 181 / 74%
Recorded Ancestry 99%

Average weight / cow
Herd monitored walk over weighing 491 kg (January 2020)

Calving Start Date:
Heifers - 13th July 2020
Main herd - 26th July 2020

Estimated Median calving date:
August 9th 2020

Mating Start Date:
18 October 2019

Empty rate (nil Induction polocy) after 10 weeks mating - 16% (2019-20 mating). 6 week in-calf rate 71%

All colostrum cows are milked once a day for 4 days.

Total kg/MS supplied278,654289,906286,189251,424277,293280,110
Ave kg/MS/cow498552516451504505
Ave kg/MS/ha174218121789157117331745
Farm Working Expenses / kgMS$3.87$3.47$3.76$4.15$3.80$4.31
Dairy Operating Profit / ha$1200$1,182$4,728$4,070$4,278$5,764
Payout [excl. levy] $/kg$4.60$4.26$6.48$6.75$6.31$7.30
Return on assets%1.6


Body Condition Score (BCS)

Assessment of a cow's body condition score gives a visual estimate of her body fat reserves.

Condition scoring information contributes to key decisions, such as:

  • Determining future feed requirements (and feedback on historical strategy)
  • Determining which cows to dry-off and when
  • Explaining reproductive performance (condition at mating or BCS lost post-calving)

Split Herds BCS 2019-20

Heifer BCS 2019-20 Seasonal Summary